Audience:  EDU customers interested in, adopting or supporting Data, Analytics, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence solutions

When:  Every Tuesday 3-4PM Eastern, Noon-1PM Pacific

Upcoming Sessions

10/29/2024Multi Agent Systems with Giulia GalloGiulia
11/5/2024Enterprise Insights for SAP in Fabric with Omer AhmadTBD
11/12/2024November Monthly UpdatesTeam
11/19/2024RLS Deep DiveHope
11/26/2024DAIAH Unplugged for ThanksgivingTeam
12/3/2024Azure SQL VM + Storage with David PlessHope
12/10/2024December Monthly UpdatesTeam
12/17/2024Tentative repeat speakerTBD
12/24/2024No session holidaynull